winner or loser?
Saturday, April 2, 2011
likes: music, books, movies,
photoshop, photography,
writing, words, puzzles,
animals, zombies, aliens
+44; 3oh!3; against me!; afi; aiden; alexisonfire; all time low; alkaline trio; anberlin
angels and airwaves; anti-flag; aqua; atreyu; bad religion; billy talent; blink-182
boys like girls; box car racer; cauterize; city and colour; charlie simpson; cky; dance gavin dance
danny elfman; dead kennedys; eminem; enter shikari; fall out boy; fightstar; flogging molly
funeral for a friend; gob; good charlotte; green day; hedley; heffron drive; him; hollywood undead
i am ghost; i set my friends on fire; johnny cash; jonas brothers; leathermouth; lostprophets; mcfly
midtown; misfits; moneen; motion city soundtrack; my chemical romance; pencey prep; pennywise
ramones; rise against; social distortion; story of the year; sum 41; ten second epic; the offspring
the rolling stones; the sounds; the used; three days grace; thrice; thursday; zebrahead
charlie simpson; dallas green; dougie poynter; dustin kensrue; frank iero
mike ness; mikey way; nick jonas; pete wentz; tim mcilrath; tom delonge
28 days later; 30 days of night; 2001: a space odyssey; 8mm; american outlaws
a nightmare on elm street(1984); anchorman: the legend of ron burgundy; batman(1989)
beetlejuice; bill and ted's excellent adventure; blade II; brokeback mountain; burn after reading
catch and release; cellular; dawn of the dead(1978); death sentence; detroit rock city; dogma
donnie darko; ed wood; empire records. fast and furious; ferris bueller's day off; fido; four brothers
friday night lights; friday the 13th(1980); funny games us; gerry; good will hunting; goonies; gossip
grease; hocus pocus; hook; how to be a serial killer; james dean; jeepers creepers; joy ride; juno
just married; land of the dead; little miss sunshine; live free or die; lucky number slevin; mallrats
mars attacks!; moon; mr bean's holiday; murder by numbers; my own private idaho
napolean dynamite; night of the living dead; ocean's eleven(2001); panic room; peter pan(disney)
pee wee's big adventure; pineapple express; poltergeist; psycho(1960); raising arizona
rebel without a cause; reindeer games; robin hood(disney); scream; scooby doo; se7en
shaun of the dead; sherlock holmes; signs; spider-man 2; stand by me; star trek(2009)
sunshine; tadpole; the assassination of jesse james by the coward robert ford; the beatnicks
the boondock saints; the bourne supremacy; the breakfast club; the brothers grimm
the butterfly effect; the dark knight; the day after tomorrow; the devil's rejects; the forsaken
the hills have eyes(2006); the lost boys; the matrix; the princess and the goblin; the secret of nimh
the tracey fragments; the village; the wizard of oz; thirteen ghosts; thunderbirds; titanic
to die for; toy story; trainspotting; walk the line; x2: x-men united; zoolander
aaron stanford; casey affleck; cillian murphy; ellen page; garrett hedlund; heath ledger
jake gyllenhaal; james franco; joaquin phoenix; jude law; keanu reeves; matthew grey gubler
michael pitt; milla jovovich; norman reedus; rupert grint; sandra bullock; seth rogen
coen brothers; danny boyle; george romero; gus van sant
judd apatow; kevin smith; stanley kubrick; tim burton
a clockwork orange(anthony burgess); a drink before the war(dennis lehane)
the adventures of sherlock holmes(arthur conan doyle); animal farm(george orwell)
blaze(richard bachman); brave new world(aldous huxley); the catcher in the rye(j.d. salinger)
cat's cradle(kurt vonnegut); cell(stephen king); congo(michael crichton)
csi: killing game(max allan collins); death of a salesman(arthur miller); different seasons(stephen king)
fairy tales(jacob&wilhelm grimm); fahrenheit 451(ray bradbury); fight club(chuck palahniuk)
frankenstein(mary shelley); from a buick 8(stephen king); four past midnight(stephen king)
gone, baby, gone(dennis lehane); the green mile(stephen king)
harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban(jk rowling)
harry potter and the goblet of fire(jk rowling); the hobbit(jrr tolkien)
the hound of the baskervilles(sir arthur conan doyle); house of bones(dale bailey)
in cold blood(truman capote); invisible monsters(chuck palahniuk)
jurassic park(michael crichton); lord of the rings: the two towers(jrr tolkien)
the lost world(arthur conan doyle); mystic river(dennis lehane); nineteen eighty-four(george orwell)
lord of the flies(william golding); one flew over the cuckoo's nest(ken kesey)
the outsiders(se hinton); peter pan(jm barrie); phantoms(dean koontz)
psycho(robert bloch); pygmy(chuck palahniuk); of mice and men(john steinbeck)
skeleton crew(stephen king); snuff(chuck palahniuk); rumble fish(se hinton); the ruins(scott smith)
seize the night(dean koontz); the strange case of dr. jekyll and mr. hyde(robert louis stevenson)
the tommyknockers(stephen king); watchers(dean koontz); the wonderful wizard of oz(frank l. baum)
arthur conan doyle; chuck palahniuk; dean koontz; dennis lehane
jk rowling; jrr tolkien; michal crichton; stephen king
21 jump street; adventure inc; andromeda; batman; beastmaster; bonanza; breaking bad
breakout kings; clerks animated; comic book men; criminal minds; csi:lv; csi:mi; csi:ny
degrassi; dukes of hazzard; freaks and geeks; hardy boys; jackass; merlin; misfits
mtv: live; mutant x; ncis; ncis:la; prison break; reaper; robin hood bbc; rookie blue
roseanne; roswell; scooby doo; sherlock; supernatural; teen titans; the big bang theory
the black donnellys; the inbetweeners; the walking dead; todd and the book of pure evil
tosh.o; traveller; video on trial; viva la bam; without a trace; x-men: evolution
accents; aliens; animals; autumn; batman(& robin); black&white
books ; comic books&graphic novels; fantastic 4; fire; green; halloween
horror; lastfm; llamas; movies; music; nature; peanut butter; peter pan
photography ; photoshop; puzzles; amphibians&reptiles; robin hood
scoobert doo&norville rogers ; smosh; space; sunsets; the black donnellys
trains; true crime; typography; walks; words; writing; x-men; zombies
likes: music, books, movies,
photoshop, photography,
writing, words, puzzles,
animals, zombies, aliens
+44; 3oh!3; against me!; afi; aiden; alexisonfire; all time low; alkaline trio; anberlin
angels and airwaves; anti-flag; aqua; atreyu; bad religion; billy talent; blink-182
boys like girls; box car racer; cauterize; city and colour; charlie simpson; cky; dance gavin dance
danny elfman; dead kennedys; eminem; enter shikari; fall out boy; fightstar; flogging molly
funeral for a friend; gob; good charlotte; green day; hedley; heffron drive; him; hollywood undead
i am ghost; i set my friends on fire; johnny cash; jonas brothers; leathermouth; lostprophets; mcfly
midtown; misfits; moneen; motion city soundtrack; my chemical romance; pencey prep; pennywise
ramones; rise against; social distortion; story of the year; sum 41; ten second epic; the offspring
the rolling stones; the sounds; the used; three days grace; thrice; thursday; zebrahead
charlie simpson; dallas green; dougie poynter; dustin kensrue; frank iero
mike ness; mikey way; nick jonas; pete wentz; tim mcilrath; tom delonge
28 days later; 30 days of night; 2001: a space odyssey; 8mm; american outlaws
a nightmare on elm street(1984); anchorman: the legend of ron burgundy; batman(1989)
beetlejuice; bill and ted's excellent adventure; blade II; brokeback mountain; burn after reading
catch and release; cellular; dawn of the dead(1978); death sentence; detroit rock city; dogma
donnie darko; ed wood; empire records. fast and furious; ferris bueller's day off; fido; four brothers
friday night lights; friday the 13th(1980); funny games us; gerry; good will hunting; goonies; gossip
grease; hocus pocus; hook; how to be a serial killer; james dean; jeepers creepers; joy ride; juno
just married; land of the dead; little miss sunshine; live free or die; lucky number slevin; mallrats
mars attacks!; moon; mr bean's holiday; murder by numbers; my own private idaho
napolean dynamite; night of the living dead; ocean's eleven(2001); panic room; peter pan(disney)
pee wee's big adventure; pineapple express; poltergeist; psycho(1960); raising arizona
rebel without a cause; reindeer games; robin hood(disney); scream; scooby doo; se7en
shaun of the dead; sherlock holmes; signs; spider-man 2; stand by me; star trek(2009)
sunshine; tadpole; the assassination of jesse james by the coward robert ford; the beatnicks
the boondock saints; the bourne supremacy; the breakfast club; the brothers grimm
the butterfly effect; the dark knight; the day after tomorrow; the devil's rejects; the forsaken
the hills have eyes(2006); the lost boys; the matrix; the princess and the goblin; the secret of nimh
the tracey fragments; the village; the wizard of oz; thirteen ghosts; thunderbirds; titanic
to die for; toy story; trainspotting; walk the line; x2: x-men united; zoolander
aaron stanford; casey affleck; cillian murphy; ellen page; garrett hedlund; heath ledger
jake gyllenhaal; james franco; joaquin phoenix; jude law; keanu reeves; matthew grey gubler
michael pitt; milla jovovich; norman reedus; rupert grint; sandra bullock; seth rogen
coen brothers; danny boyle; george romero; gus van sant
judd apatow; kevin smith; stanley kubrick; tim burton
a clockwork orange(anthony burgess); a drink before the war(dennis lehane)
the adventures of sherlock holmes(arthur conan doyle); animal farm(george orwell)
blaze(richard bachman); brave new world(aldous huxley); the catcher in the rye(j.d. salinger)
cat's cradle(kurt vonnegut); cell(stephen king); congo(michael crichton)
csi: killing game(max allan collins); death of a salesman(arthur miller); different seasons(stephen king)
fairy tales(jacob&wilhelm grimm); fahrenheit 451(ray bradbury); fight club(chuck palahniuk)
frankenstein(mary shelley); from a buick 8(stephen king); four past midnight(stephen king)
gone, baby, gone(dennis lehane); the green mile(stephen king)
harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban(jk rowling)
harry potter and the goblet of fire(jk rowling); the hobbit(jrr tolkien)
the hound of the baskervilles(sir arthur conan doyle); house of bones(dale bailey)
in cold blood(truman capote); invisible monsters(chuck palahniuk)
jurassic park(michael crichton); lord of the rings: the two towers(jrr tolkien)
the lost world(arthur conan doyle); mystic river(dennis lehane); nineteen eighty-four(george orwell)
lord of the flies(william golding); one flew over the cuckoo's nest(ken kesey)
the outsiders(se hinton); peter pan(jm barrie); phantoms(dean koontz)
psycho(robert bloch); pygmy(chuck palahniuk); of mice and men(john steinbeck)
skeleton crew(stephen king); snuff(chuck palahniuk); rumble fish(se hinton); the ruins(scott smith)
seize the night(dean koontz); the strange case of dr. jekyll and mr. hyde(robert louis stevenson)
the tommyknockers(stephen king); watchers(dean koontz); the wonderful wizard of oz(frank l. baum)
arthur conan doyle; chuck palahniuk; dean koontz; dennis lehane
jk rowling; jrr tolkien; michal crichton; stephen king
21 jump street; adventure inc; andromeda; batman; beastmaster; bonanza; breaking bad
breakout kings; clerks animated; comic book men; criminal minds; csi:lv; csi:mi; csi:ny
degrassi; dukes of hazzard; freaks and geeks; hardy boys; jackass; merlin; misfits
mtv: live; mutant x; ncis; ncis:la; prison break; reaper; robin hood bbc; rookie blue
roseanne; roswell; scooby doo; sherlock; supernatural; teen titans; the big bang theory
the black donnellys; the inbetweeners; the walking dead; todd and the book of pure evil
tosh.o; traveller; video on trial; viva la bam; without a trace; x-men: evolution
accents; aliens; animals; autumn; batman(& robin); black&white
books ; comic books&graphic novels; fantastic 4; fire; green; halloween
horror; lastfm; llamas; movies; music; nature; peanut butter; peter pan
photography ; photoshop; puzzles; amphibians&reptiles; robin hood
scoobert doo&norville rogers ; smosh; space; sunsets; the black donnellys
trains; true crime; typography; walks; words; writing; x-men; zombies
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